Seat Leon 2013: The technology of lighthouses

Seat Leon 2013: The technology of LED headlamps. The things you promote a model! Long ago, Martorell published a video on the network, whi...

Seat Leon 2013
Seat Leon 2013: The technology of LED headlamps. The things you promote a model! Long ago, Martorell published a video on the network, which showed the operation of headlights with LED technology, which could be the new Seat Leon ... If nothing else had to remove the video, before the huge stir up. But yesterday, with the presentation of official images of the Seat Leon 2013, published it again and you can find online.

Coincidence or marketing strategy? Either way, the incorporation of LED lights has been one of the main novelties introduced the new compact model of the Spanish manufacturer. Moreover, the LED optical technology are hot, use less energy and last longer, and until we can see in daytime functioning. Learn all the Lion 2013, now its LED light clusters ...

'Re-Release' Video ...
As I had been commenting on this video which shows the LED headlight technology was published some months ago on a website or blog Seat. In addition, during an event could see the Spanish manufacturer, hence hung directly on the network, for some time.

Although, just before the official publication of the photographs, the video was removed from the Internet, before the multitude of rumors and speculation about this, because it was assumed that the technology that the new pilot incorporeal Lion 2013.

We must thank the guys from Seat, since this 'rediscovery' of the video with LED technology and the instant of the back of the Seat Leon 2013, a couple of days, are of his own, and if not say, after motor connoisseurs 'angry', plus it's only fair.

LED Technology
The truth is that after such filing, the video becomes available, to discover how they are and how the new LED headlamps Seat compact, as they symbolize one of the main innovations of Martorell elements make the Lion 2013, a pioneer in its segment to feature this technology.

When you see the video, just to remind you that this new LED technology, which at its inception was used for tuning, rests on the front of the model, and of course, in the rear, we refer to the placement of the headlights in the form of also appear wedge LED.

And is that LED lights are hot ... at night, by day ... They consume less energy and last longer, while maintaining or exceeding the capacity of lighting. And also, the price of repairs and the cost of the technology remain economic at all. A new technology, a new business ...

Now I leave you with a short explanatory video, about 40 seconds, which makes it clear the operation of LED technology in the new headlights Seat Leon 2013.


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