Audi A8 - Revamped A8 continues to tease with matrix lighting

Audi is seen by many as the 'enlightenment king' under the car brands. In the "eyes" of the upcoming redesigned Audi A8 ...

Audi A8 matrix lighting images
Audi is seen by many as the 'enlightenment king' under the car brands. In the "eyes" of the upcoming redesigned Audi A8 is very literally to see, because that model is the first car with innovative matrix technology that Ingolstadt weather takes a competitive edge.

The revamped Audi A8 is about to be disclosed and the biggest news thereto gives Audi itself price by frequent scenes with their matrix lighting technology. In this second teaser photo shows how an LED headlamp with this innovative technique looks at an Audi A8.

Besides interesting features, the Audi designers also had a finger in the pie of course. Both the automobile as the human eye would nowadays has some and so is the design of Audi's matrix lighting all equally slick as the technique itself.

Reading about how Audi's matrix lighting can work here. More details on the new Audi A8 themselves follow a few weeks as the Audi A8 is presented at the IAA in Frankfurt. On September 12, this opens the doors.


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