SSC Ultimate Aero, the fastest

Shelby Supercars (SSC) claims the title of the fastest production car ever. It was recently announced that the Veyron is going to be in al...

SSC Ultimate Aero, the fastest
Shelby Supercars (SSC) claims the title of the fastest production car ever.
It was recently announced that the Veyron is going to be in all probability from the Guinness Book of Records deleted The car would not have sprinted in production jacket and that is not according to the rules.

Hennessey claims that they now have the fastest monster in the world in the showroom unfortunately for the Americans, they are not included in the record book, and the lords of the Guinness Book were not on site at the time of the attempt.

That means that the SSC Ultimate Aero, long time listed was behind the Veyron, now with 412 km / h the record of the fastest production car on his name in the world
Founder Jerod Shelby is surprised. "This is not how we had planned to recapture the record the time being, the time, and until we do a new attempt," said Shelby.

For the arrival of the Veyron has the record for three years by the name of SSC. Under the hood of the lightning fast car is a bi-turbo 6.3-liter V8 that's good for 1,290 hp. A version with a new gearbox has now been developed, SSC is planning with this revised version a new record attempt to do so.


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